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The Resilient Garden: Food Security in the Age of a Pandemic Tuesday, August 4th @ 6:30pm

August 4, 2020 @ 1:30 pm 3:30 pm

We hope you’ll join Transition Houston as we explore the resilient garden and how to enhance food security in the age of this pandemic. 

This will be Transition Houston’s first meeting by video conference using Zoom on August 4th @ 6pm!  

In order to join our meeting, simply click this link in your web browser. We recommend testing your audio / video in advance of our meeting time.

You may also dial in using your phone.

Meeting ID: 996 3115 5713
Passcode: 834573
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Houston is a very fortunate place!

We have diversity of population, local farms, Houston is a major port and transportation hub and we have abundance, even in this once in a lifetime pandemic. 

But the food supply is dangerously fragile. We depend on imports from around the world, high carbon transportation systems to get our food to our grocery store, high labor requirements for picking, processing etc. And factory farms have put many small farmers out of business.

In the late 90’s there was a local food movement growing on the two coasts and it made its way here to the Gulf Coast. There were local advocates and leaders who led this movement forward and created a local food movement. Now local farms grow more food every year responding to restaurant chefs, farmers’ markets, local CSA’a and local grocery stores sell more local produce.

As the pandemic strips away our veneer of abundant, cheap and convenient food, we see that buying local and supporting local is the only answer in times of this economic and health panic. Shopping at the farmers’ markets and growing one’s own food is increasingly popular.

Tonight we will hear how

  • the local food movement got started in Houston
  • the movement has continued to build
  • our farmers have risen to the challenge
  • local food saves us in a time of fear of a food system’s collapse

Also, in a time of pandemic, it is necessary to protect our ability to be more self-reliant and back yard gardens, community gardens and food co-ops are increasingly popular. There are lots of resources in Houston and you will hear about those tonight.

Join Us!

We need you – whoever you are, however much time you have – to help build a powerful movement. Our vision of change involves mass participation. Together we’re unstoppable.

About Our Speakers

Kevin Topek, Permaculture Garden Designer
Owner of a sustainable landscaping and planning company, Kevin has practiced Permaculture design for over 30 year and is a native of Houston. His website is permaculturedesign.net.
Tyler Horne, Urban Harvest Farmers’ Market Manager
Tyler has been Market Manager for 12 years with the main Urban Harvest Farmers’ Market near River Oaks. In his spare time he enjoys fishing and camping.
Libby Kennedy, Urban Harvest, Director of Strategic Projects
Libby has been with Urban Harvest for 6 years and is instrumental in planning the annual Fruit Tree Sale and the expansion of the Farmers’ Markets.