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Interfaith Protest at NRA Convention in Downtown Houston
May 27, 2022 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The NRA seems to be undeterred by the Uvalde mass shooting, and is having their convention at the George R Brown Convention Center this week. Trump, Abbot, Cruz, and other prominent opponents of gun control are scheduled to speak there on Friday. Security in and around the convention center will probably be tight while they are there.
We are gathering at the Annual NRA Convention in order to protest their ongoing complicity in the gun violence and death in this country
About this event
Friday, May 27, is the first full day of the annual NRA convention. This year it’s being held in Houston, just a few hours away from the site of yet another horrific mass shooting, this time at Robb Elementary school in Uvalde, TX. Elected Texas officials, including Gov. Greg Abbott and Sen. Ted Cruz, are scheduled to speak at their Institute for Legislative Action Forum, starting at 2pm. We’ll be outside to greet the attendees starting at 1pm, when doors open.
We know there are other protest actions scheduled for Friday, and you may be planning on attending more than one – we encourage you to use your voices in many ways on Friday! Each protest will have a unique voice, and together we seek the same change.
Clergy – we invite you to wear clergy attire.
General schedule:
1-1:15pm – gather and pray at the main doors of the Convention Center
1:15-1:30(ish)pm – silent march as a group through (or along the front of) the Convention Center and back to gathering spot
1:30pm – memorialize the victims with a time of reflection
1. Call out elected officials for their complicity in the deaths of innocent people.
2. Lament the lives lost in Uvalde.
3. Call officials and public to pass legislation for common sense gun laws, including universal background checks and bringing back the assault weapons ban, which was proven effective.
Parking and Local Transportation:
The George R. Brown Convention Center has great information on parking, including street parking in downtown Houston: https://www.grbhouston.com/attendees/parking-maps-and-directions/
Houston Metro has bus and train service to the Convention Center, so you can get there by Metro and won’t have to look for a parking space near the Convention Center. Here is their trip planner: https://ridemetro.org/Pages/TripPlanner.aspx
We plan on gathering in an area accessible to those who have issues with mobility and/or are in a wheelchair. We will also have ASL interpretation available.
Safety & What to Bring:
1) It will be hot, so bring at least 2 water bottles and wear a hat and sunscreen!
2) This is a peaceful protest, but it is a volatile issue, so people may react poorly. Having a buddy is always good protest practice to stay safe. (You can buddy up with someone after you arrive if you don’t bring one with you.) Do not get into a shouting match with pro-gun advocates! We will give more instructions to keep y’all safe on the day.
Bring a sign about your outrage and disgust with the NRA and how they’re basically a lobbying arm for the weapons manufacturers and a funnel for campaign contributions for candidates supporting the gun producers. Do they feel guns are more important that children’s lives?
More NRA Protests
Here’s information on additional protests planned for the NRA convention:
Fri. 10am: protest outside the convention center’s main entrance at 10 a.m, hosted by LULAC (sorry, could not find a link)
Fri. 12N at Discovery Green: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/dont-look-away/4644397485661745/ organized by BLM Houston, Indivisible Houston, Moms Demand Action, and the Harris County Democratic Party. Ashton Woods of BLM, one of the organizers, was a local HPJC peacemaker award recipient a few years ago.
Fri. 1pm: Interfaith Protest at GR Brown Conv. Center (the event described above): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/interfaith-protest-at-nra-annual-convention-tickets-348421587347
Fri. 1pm: Protest and action in front of the Conv. Center, organized by FIEL Houston
Houston Chronicle Articles with more Information
Here’s a Houston Chronicle article that has more info on the NRA protests and that may be updated periodically so will probably be a good place to check on several times: Houstonians plan multiple protests at NRA convention in wake of Uvalde shooting
Here’s another Chronicle article about NRA donations to Texas politicians