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Protest Saudi Crown Prince
April 7, 2018 @ 11:45 am - 1:00 pm

April 7th & 8th, the Saudi Arabia Kingdom “Crown Prince” Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) finishes up his deal-making USA tour, in Texas. Join Codepink, Muslim Congress, Houston Peace & Justice Center, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Yemeni refugees & peace & justice orgs SPEAKING OUT at the corner of Bagby and Rusk: Tranquillity Park Saturday 4/7/ 18, at 11:45am.
The MsB (Prince) is scheduled to visit Aramco,the Saudi national oil company & the Motiva oil refinery in Port Arthur, Aramco stakeholders, meet with Gov.Greg Abbott, former Presidents’ George H.W. Bush & George W. Bush ranch, former Secty. of State James Baker, visit Rice U. Baker Institute; tour around HarveyHellStorm reconstruction areas with CoH Mayor & present “nice guy” image to Houston Chronicle Editorial Board. MsB should be prosecuted not welcomed!** MsB employs an army of lobbyists & PR firms to sell himself as a reformer when he is really a war criminal and a power-hungry thug whose ego rivals that of #45Donald Trump
**Suspend further armament sales to Saudi Arabia. Stop US arming & abetting this ‘prince’ who bombs Yemen
** People of all religions, culture oppose this war monger
** Speakers from Houston Peace & Justice groups, Muslim & Yemeni refugees will expose lies of the US-Saudi Arabia monarchy connection.
** Participate in a Litany of Persecution & Truth Telling
** STOP bombing Yemen , killing & causing environmental destruction
** Suspend executions of Saudi juveniles & beheading dissidents
**Stop forcing women to live under a repressive male guardianship system.
** Petitions & Letters to Congress will be distributed & What YOU can do.
** We will not normalize violence and human rights violations!