April 15, 2023
8:00 am
2:00 pm
A little more after the war in Ukraine, which in reality had started in 2014, escalated with the Russian military operation, it has become very clear that the real issue is not Ukraine. It is a proxy war between the U.S. Great Britain and NATO, on the one side, and Russia on the other — with a conflict with China also looming. The real issue is that the nations of the Global South are trying to shed the colonial order, this time for good, and they have now become the Global Majority. Driving the war danger is the systemic breakdown of the trans-Atlantic financial system, with its over $2 quadrillion in unpayable financial assets. The world urgently needs a new security and development architecture. This two-day event will bring together leaders from some two dozen nations to discuss how to bring that about.
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Joseph C Jennings
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