Houston Rapid Response Network Training

Houston Mennonite Church 1231 Wirt Rd., Houston, TX, United States

The Houston Rapid Response Network is a group of people on-call to show up for people and families impacted by current anti-immigration laws. The training will review actions to help counteract deportation and the splitting up of families in our state. The training also covers how documented allies can play both small and large roles in the network and how all of us together can show up in solidarity with the undocumented and migrant people in our community.

Texas Migrant and Refugee Leadership Academy

TBD Houston

Do you have what it takes?  Calling on all migrants and refugee leaders in the State of Texas to attend a statewide migrants and refugee leadership training to be held in Dallas, Texas on Friday, June 15* to Sunday, June 17.

This all day training event offers migrants and refugees the opportunity to come together to share experiences, connect with each other, and develop the skills necessary to advocate on issues of importance to migrants and refugees in Texas.

The training is designed to hone your leadership skills; create opportunity for networking; and incentives for participants to take the experience back to their local communities and advocate for issues of concern to the broader migrant and refugee community.  Our goal is to lift up the voices of all refugees in order to create more welcoming communities in Texas.
