Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe Fundraiser

Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church 1900 Bering Dr., Houston

Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ HTX) invites you to learn how to join and unite with the Native Original Tribe of Texas in a respectful way in the massive efforts to protect our state from environmental and political destruction. The Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe is repopulating a network of frontline encampments on their ancient village sites, protecting indigenous sacred sites, resisting construction of the LNG (fracked gas) terminals and their source of pipelines for more fracked gas, and educating people about the environmental devastation the Border Wall will cause. They are peacefully struggling to stop the senseless endangerment of people, animals our only environment and for a rapid equitable transition to sustainable/renewable natural ways of life to secure a future for all children and our future generations.

$5 – $30