No Ban, No Wall, Affordable Care for All Rally in Moody Park

Moody Park 3725 Fulton St, Houston, United States

Grassroots citizens from Harris County and areas across the great state of Texas will hold a rally on April 8th, at 1:00 p.m. at Moody Park in Houston, Texas. The rally will focus on defending American healthcare for all citizens and protecting immigrant communities from fire in United States. It will feature speakers and organizations in a united coalition against the discriminatory immigration policies and draconian healthcare proposals currently sitting in queue in the United States Congress and the White House. Speakers will include both elected officials from around the state and individual citizens with stories to share on their experiences with immigration and healthcare issues.

Tax March – Not One Penny

Emancipation Park 3018 Emancipation Ave., Houston

It’s almost that time of year again, folks, which means we’ll be hitting the streets along with ol’ Chicken Don to demand greater transparency and accountability in our elected officials, along with the repeal of the Trump Tax Scam.


Indivisible Houston Resistance Carnival

Dan Electros Guitar Bar 1031 E 24th St, Houston

Come out and join us for the first ever Resistance Carnival. Get ready for Games, Crazy Contests, Photo Booths and our Exclusive Dunk An Activist Tank.

Get to know your fellow resistance fighters better and spend a fun family friendly afternoon getting recharged.

See you under the big top!!!!

National Day of Action – Families Belong Together

Houston City Hall 901 Bagby Street, Houston

Houstonians- UNITE! Join Indivisible Houston, PSR Houston, FIEL and other allied groups Saturday, June 30th at 10 AM for a rally at City Hall and march to Ted Cruz’s office to show solidarity with families and opposition to burdensome, ignorant, divisive immigration law.

The horrors of the deportation machine and the Administration’s decision to kidnap children and use them as pawns in exchange for a fantasy real estate construction project along the southern border rip apart families and destroy communities.

Join us to demand that our publicly elected employees take the following actions:

1) End the new DHS policy of family separation in order to REUNITE FAMILIES;

2) Vote against the Goodlatte Immigration plan;

3) Defund ICE (an agency established after 9/11 with expanded powers beyond standard
customs checks and enforcement); and

4) End private prison donations and require reps return all private prison donations- both individual and PAC.

#EndFamilySeparation #AbolishICE #AbolishCBP

Tell the Mayor No Hostile Corporate Takeover of HISD

Houston City Hall 901 Bagby Street, Houston

Come to City Council to demand the city to BACK OFF of a corporate takeover plan for four black and brown HISD schools.

The City of Houston has established a "nonprofit" astroturfed special interest group with the doublespeak title "Coalition for Educational Excellence and Equity in Houston", designed to mask the hostile corporate takeover over HISD schools. The registered agent is Juliet Stipeche, the Mayor's point person on education. The board comprises three wealthy right wing benefactors: Trini Mendenhall, Corbin Robertson Jr, and Stephanie Paige.

These people have NO BUSINESS being anywhere NEAR anything that is supposed to be for the public good, much less in control of the future of our children.


Houston Vigil Against Detention Camps at SW Key

Southwest Key Detention Center 419 Emancipation Ave., Houston

On July 12, people across the United States will gather to make a stand against detention camps and the human rights abuses of ICE.

Join us to make a statement and to organize together as a community to stand up for what is right at the Southwest Key Detention Center on Emancipation Avenue, where kids have recently been moved in.


Justice 4 George Floyd

Discovery Green 1500 McKinney, Houston

In support of Trae The Truth to uplift George Floyd we continue to demand accountability for Black lives in Houston and across the country.