Northeast/East Houston Affordable Housing Townhall

Northeast Multi-Service Center 9720 Spaulding St., Hosuton

Sick of the lack of affordable housing in the Northeast? Tired of being flooded out all the time? Still struggling with home repairs from Hurricane Harvey? Tired of being ignored by the City of Houston?

If you want to make a tangible difference in the Mesa/Tidwell area, this townhall is for you. Mayor Turner has $1.2 billion dollars in funding to improve affordable housing, and we have an opportunity to influence where that money goes!

A City of Houston official will be present to listen to YOUR CONCERNS in the neighborhood: poor drains/bayous, trash everywhere, road repairs, lack of permits, lack of youth/senior programs and affordable housing.


Transforming Our Juvenile Justice System

Provision Charter School 4590 Wilmngton St., Houston

A Right2Justice conversation on transforming our juvenile justice system. This is a system that for far too long has criminalized  and dehumanized young people of color, instead of providing them with the support and resources they need to get back into public life and enter the workforce. At this event, we'll be having discussions on what a reformed juvenile justice system looks like.


National Day of Action – Families Belong Together

Houston City Hall 901 Bagby Street, Houston

Houstonians- UNITE! Join Indivisible Houston, PSR Houston, FIEL and other allied groups Saturday, June 30th at 10 AM for a rally at City Hall and march to Ted Cruz’s office to show solidarity with families and opposition to burdensome, ignorant, divisive immigration law.

The horrors of the deportation machine and the Administration’s decision to kidnap children and use them as pawns in exchange for a fantasy real estate construction project along the southern border rip apart families and destroy communities.

Join us to demand that our publicly elected employees take the following actions:

1) End the new DHS policy of family separation in order to REUNITE FAMILIES;

2) Vote against the Goodlatte Immigration plan;

3) Defund ICE (an agency established after 9/11 with expanded powers beyond standard
customs checks and enforcement); and

4) End private prison donations and require reps return all private prison donations- both individual and PAC.

#EndFamilySeparation #AbolishICE #AbolishCBP