International Workers Day Rally

Guadalupe Plaza 2311 Runnels St., Houston, TX, United States

An International Workers Day Rally will be held on Tuesday, May 1, 6-8 pm, at Guadalupe Plaza, 2311 Runnels St.,  Houston. Please plan to join us in celebrating this holiday for workers of all nationalities. We will commemorate the past struggles and achievements of the working class, address the dangers faced by workers and oppressed people today, and call for revolutionary social change.

Stop the Exploitation and Oppression of Workers! Workers' Struggles Have No Borders! Stop Racist Police Murders! Black and Brown Lives Matter! Stop ICE Raids and Deportations! Defend the DREAMERS! Defend the Muslim Community! Fight for Women's Equality! Defend LGBTQ Communities! Stop the Violence against Trans Women! Fight for a Living Wage, Jobs for All, and the Right to a Union! End Gentrification! Housing, Health Care, Child Care, Education, and Pensions for All! End Imperialist Wars! Hands Off the Middle East! No War on Korea! End Capitalism's Destruction of the Environment! Unite against Trump and the Threat of Fascism! End Capitalism Before It Ends Us!