Zikaron BaSalon – Memories in the Living Room

TBD Houston, TX, United States

Zikaron BaSalon is an annual event, which takes place on Israeli Holocaust Memorial Day. Zikaron BaSalon started in Israel, in a living room where a few friends gathered in 2010 and experienced an extraordinary and meaningful event. The idea was born from the understanding that the connection between us and the memories of the Holocaust, has significantly deteriorated. Today, the program operates in more than 50 countries around the world.


Alongside formal events, Zikaron BaSalon offers a new, meaningful and intimate way to commemorate this day and address its implications through discussions at home among family, friends and guests. It is a unique and authentic tradition of people gathering together to open their hearts to the stories of the survivors, sing, think, read, talk and most importantly- listen.


Zikaron BaSalon happens in the living room space of a home with 15-40 people. The event consists of three parts: testimony, expression part and open discussion. Light refreshments will be served.


Alternatives to Violence Project Basic Workshop January 12 – 14, 2018

TBD Houston, TX, United States

The Basic AVP Workshop is fun and empowers personal growth—an interactive, intensive,

2½-day experience that hones interpersonal conflict-resolution skills. Experiential exercises, small groups, and one-to-one interactions build community and trust around the themes of:

Affirmation & Self Esteem

Communication & Cooperation

Creative Conflict Resolution


Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) Basic Workshop

TBD Houston, TX, United States

AVP is dedicated to reducing violence: on the streets, at work, in schools, in homes, and in relationships everywhere
AVP provides tools for creative, nonviolent resolution to conflicts used by peace workers such as Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus of Nazareth, and many others
The Basic AVP Workshop is fun and empowers personal growth—an interactive, intensive,

2½-day experience that hones interpersonal conflict-resolution skills. Experiential exercises, small groups, and one-to-one interactions build community and trust around the themes of:


Justice for Janitors Prayer Vigil Outside of Bargaining

TBD Houston, TX, United States

The J4J team has a fun-filled line-up of activities for the rest of the month of May leading up to the janitors’ contract expiration on May 31st. #RaiseHouston #‎RaiseAmerica‬ ‪#‎MakeHoustonGreat‬ ‪#‎HoustonJanitors‬ #Fightfor15 Faith leader allies from several different religious traditions will hold a prayer vigil as janitors & cleaning contractors engage in their final round of bargaining.  […]