Week of Events
“An Unlevel Playing Field: The Myth of Access and Equality in Higher Education”
“An Unlevel Playing Field: The Myth of Access and Equality in Higher Education”
In light of the recent Georgetown law professor’s comments about Black students' academic performance and the viral video of the Oxnard College professor who berated a deaf student for “not paying attention in class,” it’s time to talk about the myth of access and equality in higher education. Please join the Center for the Healing […]
Bystander Intervention Training
Bystander Intervention Training
Learn how to help people targeted by identity-based bigotry and harassment. Register today at https://houstonagainsthate.org/BIT This FREE 1.5-hour, interactive training will teach you Hollaback!’s 5D’s of bystander intervention methodology. We’ll start by talking about the types of disrespect — from microaggressions to violence — that people with marginalized identities face and the history of identity-based violence. […]