Week of Events
Support KPFT in its Spring Fund Drive
Where can you hear in-depth news, analysis, interviews, call-in shows, local and independent music in a wide variety of genres, live musicians, culture and art? On our favorite station - KPFT, 90.1 on your FM dial.
Pledge online at kpft.org, or call 713-526-5738 starting Thursday, to pledge support to your favorite program. It's quick, easy, but important.
Emerson Players to present The Good Doctor
Emerson Players to present The Good Doctor
Emerson Players proudly presents Neil Simon’s The Good Doctor--a Broadway hit first performed in 1973 that combines Simon’s comedic wit with Anton Chekhov’s satiric commentary on the human condition. The Players are having fun with this and know you will too!
CASH ONLY ---- Friday and Saturday 7:30. Sunday at 2. Babysitting by reservation on Friday and Saturday.
Presentation on Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Activism Against the Occupation
Presentation on Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Activism Against the Occupation
Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta, a Quaker Jewish activist and writer from Burnaby, B.C., Canada will be in Houston to speak and do a presentation on nonviolence in Palestine. She will share information about nonviolent activism by Palestinians and Israelis, separately and together, in challenging the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land–as this is a much under-publicized aspect of the Palestinian struggle--as well as ways in which "Internationals" can support these efforts.