Week of Events
Support KPFT in its Spring Fund Drive
Where can you hear in-depth news, analysis, interviews, call-in shows, local and independent music in a wide variety of genres, live musicians, culture and art? On our favorite station - KPFT, 90.1 on your FM dial.
Pledge online at kpft.org, or call 713-526-5738 starting Thursday, to pledge support to your favorite program. It's quick, easy, but important.
Justice for Janitors Action at ONE Allen Center
Justice for Janitors Action at ONE Allen Center
Weekly Wednesday Actions: 4:30pm every Wednesday at ONE Allen Center (corner of Dallas & Smith in Downtown) The J4J team has a fun-filled line-up of activities for the rest of the month of May leading up to the janitors' contract expiration on May 31st. #RaiseHouston Arriba la union y abajo la explotación! We're asking building owners […]
Justice for Janitors Prayer Vigil Outside of Bargaining
Justice for Janitors Prayer Vigil Outside of Bargaining
The J4J team has a fun-filled line-up of activities for the rest of the month of May leading up to the janitors’ contract expiration on May 31st. #RaiseHouston #RaiseAmerica #MakeHoustonGreat #HoustonJanitors #Fightfor15 Faith leader allies from several different religious traditions will hold a prayer vigil as janitors & cleaning contractors engage in their final round of bargaining. […]
Justice for Janitors Strike Vote Rally!
Justice for Janitors Strike Vote Rally!
The J4J team has a fun-filled line-up of activities for the rest of the month of May leading up to the janitors’ contract expiration on May 31st. #RaiseHouston #RaiseAmerica #MakeHoustonGreat #HoustonJanitors #Fightfor15 Janitors will be voting on whether or not to strike; come to this rally to find out the results of what they janitors will do! […]