Week of Events
Stewardship of Water
Stewardship of Water
Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church in Houston invites you to a monthly environmental education web meeting series whose theme in 2018 is Stewardship.
At the February web meeting, we welcome Bruce Bodson, President/Executive Director of Lower Brazos Riverwatch, who will address Stewardship of Water. Water is a uniquely versatile medium, functioning as a vital resource, a habitat, a recreation venue, and a waste conveyance. As we have often seen in Houston, it is also a destructive force of nature. Stewardship of water entails balancing these functions and our management of the hazard in a manner that allows for protection of the resource, for all the human benefits to be obtained, and still leave a reasonably unimpaired habitat for other species. Here in Houston, the Bayou City, we are blessed with an abundance of waters, but we struggle with maintaining the balance of uses that allows us to enjoy this abundance without causing irreparable harm to the resource. This presentation will examine the resources we have, and consider the effects of the ever growing demand placed on them. It will also look at some examples of local programs that strive to bring balance to our consumption and regulation of the resource. After Bruce’s talk, there will be time for Q&A. Please register for this talk, and you will receive an invitation to the web meeting. Contact Lisa Brenskelle at [email protected] with any questions.
Healing America Together
Healing America Together
Free and open to the public:
You are invited you to a special Healing America Together event in Houston on March 3:
If you have even a slight interest in learning about the health virtues of a plant-based diet, the health of our planet, or how diet can promote peace, please consider attending.
Promotion of this event is largely through local grass-roots volunteer efforts. Please forward this invitation to others for us.
Healing America Presenters: Dr. T. Colin Campbell (author of the China Study and the father of “nutritional science”) and his son Nelson Campbell (Founder and CEO of Plantpure Nation)