Peace Camp Houston: Unite in Harmony, Grow in Peace

Peace Camp Mission Statement

Peace Camp provides the Houston metropolitan area with an alternative day camp experience which fosters an understanding of peace, justice, and environmental awareness appropriate to the age of the children involved.

Summer 2025 Peace Camp Schedule

Camp Sessions are Monday through Friday, 9 AM – 3:00 PM*.
*After-Camp Care Hours will be available if requested in advance on the registration form.

Southwest: Unity Church June 9-13 Grades 1-6

South: Time and Place to be announced soon

West: Time and Place to be announced soon

North: Time and Place to be announced soon

Click HERE for the Peace Camp Registration Form

Peace Camp is a non-religious event.

Here’s a one-page flyer that you can download and email or print and give to friends: English Español

Click HERE for the Peace Camp Registration Form

Our Goals

  • To teach concepts of peace, equality, and justice at the appropriate age level.
  • To encourage the development of self-esteem and critical thinking skills.
  • To encourage respect for the environment and each other.
  • To introduce peaceful non-violent conflict management skills and alternatives to competition and violence.
  • To provide an opportunity for children of diverse backgrounds to create comfortable relationships.

Here is some general information about Peace Camp:

For each week, the camp runs from 9 am to 3 pm. We plan for staff to be there by 8:30 am each day so you can drop off your children after that time. After-camp care is available if requested in advance on the registration form. For children of all ages, parents must register them in advance. Don’t wait, as each week of Peace Camp almost always fill up!

Join us in helping our youth and community become more peaceful, and to learn skills that will help them throughout life.

Peace Camp is not religious, and welcomes all children.  Tuition is just $200 per week for grades 1-6, and $100 for those who will be in grades 7-12 in the fall, and both full and partial scholarships are available.  (It takes more staff for the younger children.) We want all children to be able to attend.

Join us for Peace Camp!  With room for 25 campers in each session, yoga, drumming, cooperative games and special guests will be part of the program.

Peace Camp Program for Teens

The Peace Camp program for teens will be different than for younger children, with age appropriate special guests, presentations, and activities for those in 7th-12th grade.

Click Here for Peace Camp Photos and Videos

