Quaker Barter Fair

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

An opportunity to trade objects and services without using common currency and to support “Buy Nothing Day,” a national effort to provide alternatives to the media driven consumerism of “Black Friday.”  This also offers the community an opportunity to share in the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, stewardship, and community by creating a space to practice thinking together in a new way about how we place value on objects and services within our community.


Grassroots Relief and Empowerment on Houston’s Eastside

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

Join Cavanaugh Nweze and Andrew Cobb of West Street Recovery to hear about grassroots relief work and ongoing empowerment work in communities of color in Houston's Eastside.  The team started out doing boat rescues and 5 weeks after the storm they continue to demo homes and coordinate supply needs for these communities.  They are also […]


Investigating Russia 2017 Natalie M. Smith PH.D

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

Natalie M Smith visited Crimea, Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia, as a delegate of the Center for Citizen Initiatives in May 2017. She has a Ph.D. in Russian literature and linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin and has traveled in the Russian Federation since 1995. CCI, the largest citizen diplomacy organization between the two nations, determined this year to carry out a first-ever “information-gathering” delegation of American citizen investigators who would travel to major Russian cities to learn what is happening in Russia – since many allegations are made in US mainstream media and few know whether it is truth or misinformation.


Two Houston Quakers Visit Israel / Palestine

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

Ever wonder how the $10 million we give to Israel every day is used? Can there ever be peace in Israel / Palestine? What should America's role be there?

Two Quakers have recently returned from an interfaith delegation to Palestine and Israel. They will share photos and stories from their experiences after staying with families, meeting with Israeli and Palestinian peace activists and non-governmental organizations and experiencing life on both sides of the separation barrier.


Earth Day Barter Fair

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

A Barter Fair provides an opportunity to trade objects and services without using common currency. The Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Community and Stewardship encourage Friends to find creative ways to care for the earth and each other, and we want to extend this opportunity to others in the community. Creating a space to practice thinking together in a new way about how we place value on objects and services within our community seems like a worthwhile way to observe the 48th anniversary of Earth Day.

To get involved, just come! Bring a table, shelf, rug or blanket to display your goods or a sign that describes your service(s). CHILDREN ARE WELCOME! Children are often the best models of how this can work. They have the ability to add value to an item by describing potential uses, and the creativity to negotiate three-way trades.


Drones in Our Backyard

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States


to attend this lecture and film screening on drones at Live Oak Friends Meeting, April 8th from 6-8PM.

We will gather from 6-6:30 for snack and a brief lecture on why Houstonians should be concerned about drones, what we can do to resist drone warfare in our communities, and what our next steps will be to build a movement against drones in Houston. At 6:30 we will begin screening the documentary UNMANNED: US Drone Wars followed by a brief time to network.

If you'd like to sponsor this event send an email to our Regional Organizer via [email protected]


Earth Day Barter Fair

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

A Barter Fair provides an opportunity to trade objects and services without using common currency. The Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Community and Stewardship encourage Friends to find creative ways to care for the earth and each other, and we want to extend this opportunity to others in the community. Creating a space to practice thinking […]


Living Peace in a Time of Uncertainty

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

You are invited to join with Bren Hardt, sharer of Compassionate Communication (NVC), coming from Brenham, TX, to explore together how we can maintain a balance between activism and our own nurturance plus how we can show love to our fellow activists/ friends/ colleagues by strengthening our willingness and skills at deeply listening to one another

“The Joy” a play about Mary Dyer

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

Renowned actor-playwright, Jeanmarie (Simpson) Bishop performs her Houston debut of "The Joy", a play about pre-First Amendment martyr, Mary Dyer. - The performance is Pay-What-You-Can, plus bring toiletries for us to make toiltetry packets for Health Care for the Homeless. - The performance will be followed by a discussion and pot luck dinner. The author-performer […]

Pay-What-You-Can, plus bring toiletries for packets for Health Care for the Homeless.

Quaker Barter Fair and Pop Up Peace Festival

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

An opportunity to trade objects and services without using common currency and to support “Buy Nothing Day,” and an opportunity to share in the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, stewardship, and community by creating a space to practice thinking together in a new way about how we place value on objects and services within our community. […]


Alternatives to Violence Project basic workshop

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

AVP Basic Workshop – The Alternatives To Violence Project
September 30 To October 2, 2016 (Friday Through Sunday)

AVP is dedicated to reducing violence: on the streets, at work, in schools, in homes, and in relationships everywhere

AVP provides tools for creative, nonviolent resolution to conflicts used by peace workers such as Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus of Nazareth, and many others


Presentation on Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Activism Against the Occupation

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta, a Quaker Jewish activist and writer from Burnaby, B.C., Canada will be in Houston to speak and do a presentation on nonviolence in Palestine. She will share information about nonviolent activism by Palestinians and Israelis, separately and together, in challenging the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land–as this is a much under-publicized aspect of the Palestinian struggle--as well as ways in which "Internationals" can support these efforts.


Gun Law changes–discussion with State Legislators

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

Join the Live Oak Friends Meeting and Representatives Farar and Murphy for a discussion of the recent changes to Texas' gun laws. Topics will include the legislative intent behind the changes, impact on religious communities such as ours, and how to become more aware of the legislative agenda and increase our voice in the process.