The Center for Healing Racism is happy to invite you to the first conference on dismantling institutional racism.
While the Center has worked tirelessly for 30 years to help individuals heal from internalized racial conditioning, this conference will explore the systemic nature of racism in U.S. society; the ways in which the institutions in our country have created advantages and disadvantages for different groups of people. In bringing together a diverse group of communities, our goal is to begin developing strategies for achieving a more just and equitable society.
Conference participants will include academics, social justice activists, artists and advocates of equity and equality who will examine the educational, health care, nutritional, criminal justice and environmental systems of our society, with an eye towards dismantling institutional racism and fostering a community in which all can thrive.
As an affiliate of Houston Community College, we will also consider the impact of institutional racism on students, faculty and the community at large, presenting strategies for these groups to cope with the distress caused by systemic oppression, which can diminish cognitive “bandwidth” and interfere with performance at school, at work and in the world.