Traffic Stop: A Routine Encounter Takes a Bad Turn

The Hobby School Civitas Project presents this award-winning HBO Documentary on the story of Breaion King, a 26 year-old African-American school teacher from Austin, who is stopped for a routine traffic violation that escalates into a dramatic arrest.


HPJC Holiday Gathering

TBD Houston

Please reach out to your favorite member of HPJC for information on our Holiday Gathering!


Healthcare for All Holiday Party

Star Pizza 2111 Norfolk St., Houston

Come mingle with Healthcare for All Texas members, newbies welcome! Watch funny videos of comedians mocking U.S. Healthcare system and related social justice issues and try your hand at trivia for prizes.  Learn about actions, meetups and activities we are planning for next year and enjoy fabulous pizza!


Shame On Safeway Protest!

randall’s 2075 Westheimer, Houston

Join Food Empowerment Project, La Raza for Liberation, and Houston DSA EcoSocialists to say Shame on Safeway’s sister store Randall’s!

Did you know that when Safeway/Albertsons decides to leave a neighborhood, they sometimes block other grocery stores from opening up in their former locations? Some of these restrictions have been for as long as 15 years!

In honor of Human Rights Day, please join Food Empowerment Project at Randalls (sister store to Safeway) as we take a stand against a corporation that is impacting the health of communities of color and low-income communities.


Tell the Mayor No Hostile Corporate Takeover of HISD

Houston City Hall 901 Bagby Street, Houston

Come to City Council to demand the city to BACK OFF of a corporate takeover plan for four black and brown HISD schools.

The City of Houston has established a "nonprofit" astroturfed special interest group with the doublespeak title "Coalition for Educational Excellence and Equity in Houston", designed to mask the hostile corporate takeover over HISD schools. The registered agent is Juliet Stipeche, the Mayor's point person on education. The board comprises three wealthy right wing benefactors: Trini Mendenhall, Corbin Robertson Jr, and Stephanie Paige.

These people have NO BUSINESS being anywhere NEAR anything that is supposed to be for the public good, much less in control of the future of our children.


Love Knows No Borders – Houston

Houston City Hall 901 Bagby Street, Houston

In conjunction with the American Friends Service Committee, we have deep concern surrounding the treatment of families that are seeking asylum in the United States.  We are seeking others with similar concerns to participate in the Love Knows No Borders week of action.  We are focused on bringing attention to this pressing issue through love and nonviolence.  Together, we are calling on the U.S. to end the detention and deportation of immigrants, respect the human right to migrate, and end the militarization of the border.


Decolonize Houston: Community Meal and Discussion

texas gulf coast area labor federation 2506 Sutherland, Houston

La Raza for Liberation and Houston DSA Racial Justice Working Group invite you to participate in a free community meal and open discussion on decolonizing. 


ImperialSUGARLand95 Candlelight Vigil

Sugar Land Town Square 2711 Plaza Drive, Sugar Land

Join us for a candlelight vigil to honor the memory of the 95 enslaved prisoners whose bodies were discovered in Sugar Land this spring. We stand in solidarity with all the African-American men and women who were trapped in the horrific system of convict leasing here in Sugar Land and across the Southern United States. We will gather at 5 and light our candles at 5:30.

Bring family and friends. We hope to light at least 95 candles to represent each of the 95 individuals and raise awareness of this tragic chapter of our shared history.


Christmas at the Jail 6

Separation from a parent at Christmas time is difficult on any child but for the poor and innocent child, separated by a two inch plate of glass, it may be hardest of all. These blameless young enter a world of jailers and bars, cold and frightening, in a futile grasp at normalcy during perhaps the single most important family time of the year.

The emotional scars they experience and which may last a lifetime are ministered at Harris County Adult Detention Center by Santa Claus and several dozen elves who await these precious children as they walk out of the building. It is at this point that a miracle often occurs which can immediately be seen on the faces of these little ones. In the midst of the Fat Jolly Gentleman and piles of presents you can see their shaken faith in life return and a light of rekindled joy flicker in their eyes.


Wiping the Tears of 7 Generations

Live Oak Friends Meeting House 1318 W. 26th, Houston, TX, United States

An hour long documentary about the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre and historical trauma and multi-generational grief that impacted 7 generations of the 1890 Wounded Knee massacre descendants and the Wounded Knee community. The film at this event will be to commemorate the anniversary of the Massacre at Wounded Knee December 29th, 1890 on the Pine Ridge reservation of the Lakota Sioux in South Dakota.

There will be art for sale that has been donated by artists, William Song, John Benson and Ryan White to support the filmmaker's sacred activism (he will also be there) and possible documentary on Border Issues and Justice related to undocumented immigrants and their families and children.


IENoH 2019 Kick-Off Event

First Congregational Church of Houston 10840 Beinhorn Road, Houston, TX, United States

The Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston invites you to their 2019 Kick-Off Event at First Congregational Church. We will hear from faith leaders of a variety of faiths on the ethics of eating. There will be a presentation on the top ten actions houses of worship can take now to preserve the earth.

Event Series Waking (Let’s Talk) News

Waking (Let’s Talk) News

Center for the Healing of Racism 3412 Crawford Street, Houston, TX, United States

Come; share an article with us! Bring a bag lunch and your articles clipped from newspapers, magazines, journals or online sources relating to discrimination, oppression and all forms of racism.  Join us in a lively discussion and contribute your ideas and materials to the Center for the Healing of Racism. During 2019, we will meet on the last Friday of each month (January through October) from Noon to 2:00 pm at 3412 Crawford Street (corner of Holman), Houston, TX 77004.

None. Donations encouraged.

Screening of “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls”

Dominican Center for Spirituality 6501 Almeda Rd, Houston

This documentary exposes the disturbing trends in modern day sex slavery.  With footage shot in over nineteen different countries, it tells stories through the eyes of both the enslaved and their traffickers.  A q&a on Human Trafficking will follow the screening.


Art Behind Walls: January Reception

Talento Bilingue de Houston 333 S. Jensen Drive, Houston, TX, United States

The Children's Prison Arts Project and Talento Bilingue de Houston will be hosting a FREE reception for our January exhibit of Art Behind Walls: Art by Youth in Juvenile Facilities.

Please join us in celebrating these talented youths and their journey in art January 16th 6-8 pm for a special reception.

The Exhibit will be on display @Talento De Billingue de Houston 333 S. Jensen Dr. Houston, TX January 3-January 31, 2019


Houston Women March On – 2019

Houston City Hall 901 Bagby Street, Houston

In 2018, we worked together to bring an unprecedented wave of voters and candidates to the midterm elections. In 2019 we're doubling down on the call for justice in our world with the 2019 Houston Women March For Justice Saturday, January 19, 2019.

What does justice look like for you? We're inviting organizations working for justice regarding violence, ethnicity, gender, the criminal justice system, age, health, education, socio-economic and wage gap, housing, immigration, environmental, representational democracy (anti-gerrymandering!), and more. During the 2019 Houston Women March For Justice, you'll have the opportunity to join thousands of people to take actions for justice, and to learn how help people and organizations in our region.

Black Heritage Society MLK Parade

Houston City Hall 901 Bagby Street, Houston

Join HPJC at the 41st Annual “Original” MLK, Jr. Parade Celebration.

Monday, January 21st, 2019
McKinney Street and Smith Street - Downtown Houston (adjacent to City Hall)


MLK Grande Parade

San Jacinto & Elgin St. San Jacinto & Elgin St., Houston

Celebrating! its 25th Anniversary, the MLK Grande Parade is the third largest Parade in the U.S. behind The Rose Parade and The Macy’s Day Parade. During The Annual MLK Grande Parade, 300,000 Spectators are expected and has a Viewing Audience of more than 4,000,000. The Annual MLK Grande Parade parade consists of 15 Parade floats & 30 Marching bands.


Biodiversity Loss & What You Can Do

online not applicable, not applicable, United States

Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church invites you to a monthly environmental education web meeting series whose theme in 2019 is environmental issues and what you can do.

In January, Kerri Crawford, assistant professor at the University of Houston, Department of Biology & Biochemistry, will speak on biodiversity loss. Biodiversity loss has been deemed one of the most significant environmental issues facing North America by the U.N.'s Global Environmental Outlook, the U.N.'s flagship environmental assessment.

Event Series Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Wild & Scenic Film Festival

River Oaks Theatre 2009 West Gray, Houston

Join the Citizens Environmental Coalition (CEC) for two nights of environmental inspiration as we host the fifth Houston screening of the Wild & Scenic Film Festival on Tour!

A selection of films from the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, North America’s largest environmental film festival, will bring two hours of beautiful, educational, and inspiring films to the big screen at River Oaks Theatre on January 30 & 31, 2019, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm each night.
