Environmental Justice

Houston Ship Channel
HOUSTON, Texas — The Port of Houston, the busiest in the nation in terms of foreign tonnage, is accessed by a 54-mile long ship channel. In an average day more than 700 vessel transit the channel. Here, a ship passes under the Fred Hartman bridge on the Houston ship channel, December 11. USCG photo by PA2 James Dillard

Houston is known as the energy capital of the world and has one of the highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions in the country. A recent climate assessment revealed that Houston will continue to see hotter days and heavier rainfall if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise.  The environmental justice (EJ) working group advocates for environmental protection and community resiliency in the face of worsening climate conditions. 

HPJC partners with local leaders, researchers, non-profits, and activists to foster mutual education and support. We bolster local efforts through hosting events, recruiting volunteers, and awarding small grants. Our next EJ networking event will take place in June 2021.

This year’s EJ Chair is Dr. Alyse Thomas. You can get in touch by filling out the Volunteer Form here.